Post date: 7/3/13

Yesterday I posted my outfit from this fair that I attended. Today I present you a little sneak peek into the fair itself (located at Vermanes Darzs). Who, What, Where. 
This week, from June 30 to July 7, XXV Nationwide Latvian Song and XV Dance Celebration takes place in Riga. This celebration is the whole nation ritual and shows how strong are the roots of culture in Latvia. If you happen to be somewhere near us, please, come and join in because the mood in Latvia right now has never been better. Let's celebrate!

I really like these leather bracelets with latvian symbols. I think I might get one because they really do look pretty fashionable and beautiful. 

Lots and lots of silver jewelry. Something for everyone.

One of my favorites - lavender. Here you can get as much lavender as you want for your closet, bath house or as a gift. The scent was wonderful around this table. haha

And the way it all was packed.. beautiful.

Fresh peppermint tea with or without honey. 

Wood is the best material for crafts. Here you can see latvian symbols for luck, happiness and everything else. :)

Lucky buttons to keep in your wallet or give as a gift. Yes, you can choose them by names but I don't think that they had any other than latvian names on them. Unfortunately. 

And yes.. Accessories. I really liked this collar and as you can see, it is made out of leather which makes it even more beautiful. The same is with bracelets, brooches and everything else. 

If you are interested in this brand, it is called 'Ameli' and you can definitely find out more about it with google help. :)

I was surprised to find this lithuanian brand between all the latvian ones but I really liked their products. Would look amazing in a very modern apartment. Check them out here

A lot of beautiful plates and dishes are sold at this fair. As you can see..

And this mug is what I really want for myself. I just love white tableware.

Now you have a little view on what goes on when latvians celebrate something. A lot of tourists and locals on the streets and lots of smiling faces and happy children. 

Have a wonderful week!